New! Exclusive Book Tour for Inner Circle Members.
Goal planning and the achievement of goals has been written about by thousands of authors over the last few years - but never has 'achievement' been more important than in today's economic and business climate.
As markets continue to mature and global competition grows more fierce the need for every individual to contribute, and be able to measure their contribution, is critical.
One of my favourite ITIL books (if pushed) remains the now fairly rare volume called, "Planning To Implement Service Management".
You may remember this was the ITIL V2 green book. Inside we were introduced to a core theme of ITIL which was carried forwards into ITIL V3 (and the ITIL Foundation Training) which was:
- What is the vision?
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to be?
- How do we get where we want to be?
- How do we check our milestones have been reached?
- How do we keep the momentum going?
This core theme is central to the whole ITIL V3 Continual Service Improvement book.
This 6 step model for CSI has been taught, learnt and instilled in many of us over the last 10 years in our ITIL Training.
The problem is that, however useful we find this model, the core ITIL texts do not have the bandwidth or appetite to take a deeper dive and examine how we, as human beings with aspirations, strenghts, talents and limited resources at our disposal can best leverage and adapt underpinning elements of the model for our own personal use.
That's a bit of a long way of saying - how can "I" personally leverage this model, from my own perspective and role in my organization to do the right things, at the right time in an efficient and effective way.
Well, as part of my IT Service Coaching and Mentoring work with several clients, I regularly research and present new tools, techniques and methods to help individuals overcome such challenges.
One great resource I found (pretty much by accident, see the PDF below for how I came across it!) provides a much more humanistic and personal approach to visioning, goal setting, planning and the achievement of goals.
This is a recent book called, "Double Your Income Doing What You Love", by Raymond Aaron. Don't let the title put you off - it's really not about some goofy 'get rich quick' schemes or selling you 'snake oil'.
Although, it's not really something that sounds like it should be associated with either a professional environment or IT Service Management, trust me on this, there are many useful and easily adaptable tools in here that will help.
Rather than me taking up too much space here - why not download the free 10 page PDF report that I've put together.
In the right frame of mind, you will discover more about you, your talents, what you 'love' doing (and what you don't) and how to get to where you need to be - from a personal perspective.
I've produced a free 10 page report that covers the key take-aways, the tools, the techniques and a summary of each chapter.
Download double_your_income.pdf
I've also provided a Mind map summary in .mmap (Mindjet MindManager) format for anyone who prefers 'bubbling'. Download double_your_income.mmap
I would be really interested to learn what you think about this book, its tools and techniques and whether you have any further recommendations for this important topic... why not click 'comments' (below) and have your say?
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