Click to
Download ITIL V3 Interactive MindMap
- It's 3Mb in size - so it may take a little while to open
- Remember to save a copy locally to your computer (PDF file)
* Why not share it with your team or co-workers?
you open it – you will see the following message...
- “Some security features were disabled – only enable these features if you
trust this document”
- Note: This is because there are interactive elements built into
this PDF – to enable you to view it within Adobe Reader - there’s no cause for concern.
-> Simply click on ‘Options’ [right hand side] and then select either ‘trust once’ or ‘trust always’.
-> Then, click on the blank window to activate the Mind Map - it will appear before your eyes!
How to use it...
* Click on any topic or sub-topics to expand/contract items.
* It’s handy for revision or familiarising yourself with ITIL V3.
* You can also print out sections and search for key words too.
* Use the toolbar to re-size and re-position the Mindmap as required.
It’s a good, handy reference source for you.
We wanted you to have a copy for your own use.
If you found this useful - or you have ideas for how we can enhance it further - please post a comment and let us know!
