Download All 5 Core ITIL V3 Mindmaps
Provided by my core company ITIL Training Zone
- who are the specialists in fully accredited, online ITIL Training -
and I beleive you will find these Mindmaps are a real time saver.
If you need a quick overview on what exactly the key contents of all five of the ITIL Version 3 core texts are - then this is for you.
Here's a thumbnail of the Service Operation Mindmap (Click on it to view a larger image).
To grab your own set of free ITIL V3 mindmaps - simply visit:
ITIL Training Zone and register for your free account.
Once you've completed your registration for a free account, simply hover over 'Resources' and click on 'Other ITIL Resources' - all the links are there to download the 5 MindMaps.
You can download all 5 straight to your PC - plus there's also some other free content there too.