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- Visit Tell-A-Colleague
- Complete your name and e-mail address
- Complete at least one colleagues e-mail address
- Click the “Yes!” button. That’s it.
You will receive an e-mail containing the 20 hot ITIL links and your colleague will receive a simple e-mail containing a link to us.
Note – no e-mail addresses are stored or used for any other purpose. No, it’s not any kind of e-mail scam - it’s just a quick way of spreading the word!
We want to get as many ITIL practitioners as we can regularly visiting the IT Service Blog.
It only takes 2 minutes.
So, what do I receive?
You will automatically receive links to the following PDF reports:-
1. "Back to School - Learn ITIL from the Ground Up".
2. "ITIL - The Pre-Flight Checklist".
3. "ITIL - What it is and why you should care".
4. "Top 10 reasons ITIL Implementations are Unsuccessful".
5. "ITIL - Maximising the Business Value of IT".
6. "The New ITIL and it's potential ROI".
7. "The Pitfalls of ITIL".
8. "Supporting and Extending the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)".
9. "ITIL Guide to Software Asset Management".
10. "Incident Management Portable Process Guide".
11. "Ready to Create Your IT Service Catalog?"
12. "Accelerating ITIL Adoption"
13. "Achieving IT Governance Through ITIL and CoBIT".
14. "ITIL Survey"
15. "The Lost World Of Problem Management".
16. "The CMDB and ITIL".
17. "How to produce an actionable IT Service Catalog"
18. "ITIL Power" (Not a PDF - but a really good read. Check out the comments too!)
19. "A Business Based Assessment Approach to ITIL Maturity"
20. "Change Management Methods and Implementation Best Practices"
Claim you 20 ITIL links – plus special bonus link - here